Social Justice Pirates Mac OS

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Given that there is a general need for college students to learn about social justice and equity issues, and since college is a developmentally meaningful time for students, it is important for colleges and universities to adopt practices and provide opportunities that address power and inequality issues. This paper provides examples of social justice programs and practices in four areas.

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  1. (Excerpt) The purpose of this Article is to examine workers' rights under Islamic law. Companies claiming to be in compliance with the Islamic Shari'ah must look beyond the forms of the transactions and the content of the products they sell. The companies and their Shari'ah advisors must also examine the treatment of the workers employed by the companies. If the workers are not being treated.
  2. Excerpt Jim Laue was a major figure in conflict resolution and he is sorely missed. His absence is particularly regretted because his was a strong voice in discussions over the ethical dimension of conflict resolution, arguing eloquently and passionately in favor of a self-consciously ethical theory and practice of conflict resolution. Sometime colleagues of Laue, our work over the last decade.
  3. My life is real. So when I hear about an editor asking: What’s up with my output? I’m like: What’s up with you even commenting on my life? Niggas don’t know my life. That’s the bourgeoisie approach that I get offended by because this ain’t no bubble. This ain’t no vacuum we doing this music out of. That’s why people connect to the pain in it. Because it’s real.
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The purpose of this paper is two-fold: first, to examine the impact of historical socio-political events on music education, particularly post 9/11 with the intent of establishing a context for social justice issues; and second, how we might examine the broad implications to further music education research focusing on social justice. Issues of social justice are inextricably woven into the fabric of post-9/11 U.S. education, as evidenced through reform efforts aimed at job-related skill sets, standardized testing, national standards, and economic gridlock resulting in the diminished access or elimination of the arts in the public schools, including music. Traditionally music educators have attempted to remain politically neutral in an attempt to prevent marginalization, yet music education has played a significant role in enforcing cultural identities, validating specific Western musics, and maintaining exclusionary and unequal power relationships. An examination of the historical and sociopolitical context of current music education in light of 9/11 and educational reforms considers how research can move to support issues of social justice. Current research is synthesized to present future research areas of concern for American music education, including broad emergent themes of preparing democratic spaces, teacher education and social justice goals, and the musical voices of students.

Recommended Citation

Wagoner, Cynthia L. (2015) 'Social Justice Issues and Music Education in the Post 9/11 United States,' Research & Issues in Music Education: Vol. 12 : No. 1 , Article 3.
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Scholar Commons > M3 Center > JGER > Vol. 5 > Iss. 2 (2021)

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There is urgency for teacher educators to instruct preservice teachers in the tenants of social justice education. This urgency is based upon the American demographic landscape and the responsibility of educators to teach for social justice. Preservice teachers report feeling inadequately prepared to educate for social justice when entering the classroom setting (citations from below). Feelings of incompetence in social justice teaching expressed among preservice teachers coupled with minimal examination in the literature of the effects of teacher education practices that aid in the readiness to teach for social justice provided the foundation for this study. This study examined experiential methodologies that can prepare preservice teachers to teach for social justice, particularly within a social studies context. The study focused on two research questions: (a) How do preservice elementary teachers in a social studies methods course conceptualize teaching for social justice within an experiential framework? (b) In what ways did preservice teachers operationalize teaching for social justice in the practicum classroom? Also examined was how the development of community in a social studies methodology course fostered the understanding of teaching for social justice. The findings highlight how preservice teachers were able to conceptualize building communities with experiential methods to teach for social justice and how doing so created an effective learning community. Although the preservice teachers valued the implementation of experiential methods to foster the teaching of social justice, difficulties were expressed in their incorporation of experiential methods in the practicum environment due to a lack of confidence, teaching competence, or collegial support.


case study, qualitative, teacher education, community



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Recommended Citation

Speicher, S. (2021). Building community using experiential education with elementary preservice teachers in a social studies methodology course. Journal of Global Education and Research, 5(2), 111-120.

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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License

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Adult and Continuing Education Commons, Curriculum and Instruction Commons, Educational Methods Commons, Elementary Education Commons, Higher Education Commons, International and Comparative Education Commons


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