Golf Pro 2 Mac OS
Online products
All you need to know how to get Windows intalledas stand alone OS without using Bootcamp - on the Outdated Macbook pro’s 2.1-3.1 -This will also work on Macb. Even today, Valve claims that DOTA 2 is the most played game on Steam. Unfortunately, the Mac version of DOTA 2 was, shall we say, a bit erratic, and it took quite a while to come up with a stable.
GolfSoftware's online products run on any device....
PC, Macintosh, tablets, pads, and smart phones. All you need is an internet connection.
Desktop software
Although our Legacy versions are not specifically designed for the Mac, we have many Mac users that use the legacy golf software. They use software that lets their Mac run Windows and emulate a PC. See below for available options to allow your Mac to use Windows software:
Title | Description | Click for Info |
Boot Camp is included with Macintosh OS so you can run Microsoft Windows on a Mac. Follow the instructions in Boot Camp to install Windows operating system. Once Windows is installed, you will be able to install legacy software. | More info... Requirements... | |
Parallels | The first solution that gives Apple users the ability to run Windows, Linux or any other operating system and their critical applications at the same time as Mac OS X - without rebooting - on any Intel-powered iMac, Mac Mini, MacBook or MacBook Pro. | More info... |
Testimonial: 'I am a died-in-the-wool MacIntosh user, but the quality of this software has made me a dual platform convert.' - Wade Meyer, Canton, OH |
You can download legacy versions of our software from this page for use on older operating systems. Please note, these legacy versions are not supported.
Note that a valid license key is required to unlock the full versions of this software. For more details on legacy versions, including information on purchasing, see this page.
Airfoil for Mac
Airfoil for Mac 5
MacOS 10.12: ↓ 5.9.1
Mac OS X 10.11: ↓ 5.8.6
Mac OS X 10.10:↓ 5.8.2
Mac OS X 10.9:↓ 5.6.0
Note: Airfoil for Mac 5 is the current version of the software. Users of older versions are eligible to upgrade to version 5 at a substantial discount.
Airfoil for Mac 4
Final Version 4 (Mac OS X 10.11, 10.10, 10.9):↓ 4.9.2
Mac OS X 10.8, 10.7:↓ 4.8.14
Mac OS X 10.6:↓ 4.7.6
Note: The code portion of Airfoil for Mac 4 license keys begins with KUTA-. If you have an Airfoil for Mac 4 license key, you can upgrade now.
Airfoil for Mac 3
Final Version 3 (Mac OS X 10.6, 10.5): ↓ 3.5.7
Mac OS X 10.4: ↓ 3.3.2
Note: The code portion of Airfoil for Mac 3 license keys begins with TX40-. If you have an Airfoil for Mac 3 license key, you can upgrade now.
Airfoil for Mac 2
Final Version 2 (Mac OS X 10.5, 10.4): ↓ 2.1.1
Mac OS X 10.3: ↓ 2.0.8
Mac OS X 10.2: ↓ 1.0.6
Note: The code portion of Airfoil for Mac 2 (and 1) license keys begins with SSME-. If you have an Airfoil for Mac 2/1 license key, you can upgrade now.
Airfoil Satellite
Golf Pro 2 Mac Os Pro
Airfoil Satellite for Mac
MacOS 10.12: ↓ 5.9.1
Mac OS X 10.11: ↓ 5.8.6
Mac OS X 10.10: ↓ 5.8.2
Mac OS X 10.9: ↓ 5.6.0
Note: Airfoil Satellite for Mac is the current receiving and remote control application for Airfoil. It replaces the older Airfoil Speakers for Mac.
Airfoil Speakers for Mac
Final Version (MacOS 10.11, 10.10, 10.9): ↓ 4.9.2
Mac OS X 10.8, 10.7: ↓ 4.8.14
Mac OS X 10.6: ↓ 4.7.6
Mac OS X 10.5: ↓ 3.5.7
Mac OS X 10.4: ↓ 3.3.2
Note: Airfoil Speakers for Mac has been superseded by Airfoil Satellite for Mac on Mac OS X 10.9 and higher.
Airfoil Satellite for Windows
Because Airfoil Satellite for Windows 5 has not removed support for any OS versions, no Legacy versions of the app are needed at this time.
Note: Airfoil Satellite for Windows is the current receiving and remote control application for Airfoil. It replaces the older Airfoil Speakers for Windows.
Airfoil Speakers for Windows
Final Version (Windows 10, Windows 8.1/8, Windows 7, Windows Vista): ↓ 3.6.7
Windows XP: ↓ 3.5
Note: Airfoil Speakers for Windows has been superseded by Airfoil Satellite for Windows on Windows 7 and higher.
Airfoil Satellite for iOS
Because Airfoil Satellite for iOS has not removed support for any OS versions, no Legacy versions are needed at this time.
Note: Airfoil Satellite for iOS is the current receiving and remote control application for Airfoil. It replaces the older Airfoil Speakers Touch.
Airfoil Speakers Touch
Users running iOS 4 through iOS 6 can still download “Airfoil Speakers Touch” by searching for it in the iOS App Store.
Note: Airfoil Speakers Touch has been superseded by Airfoil Satellite for iOS on iOS 7 and higher.
Airfoil Satellite for Android
Because Airfoil Satellite for Android has not removed support for any OS versions, no Legacy versions are needed at this time.
Note: Airfoil Satellite for Android is the current receiving and remote control application for Airfoil. It replaces the older Airfoil Speakers for Android.
Airfoil Speakers for Android
Final Version (Android 2.3 - 5.1.1): ↓ 1.0.3
Note: Airfoil Speakers for Android has been superseded by Airfoil Satellite for Android on Android 6 and higher.
Audio Hijack
Audio Hijack 3
MacOS 10.12: ↓ 3.7.2
Mac OS X 10.11: ↓ 3.5.7
Mac OS X 10.10: ↓ 3.5.3
Mac OS X 10.9: ↓ 3.3.4
Note: Audio Hijack 3 is the latest version of the software. Users of any older version of Audio Hijack, including Audio Hijack Pro, are eligible to upgrade to version 3 at a substantial discount.
Audio Hijack Pro 2
Final Version 2 (Mac OS X 10.11, 10.10, 10.9): ↓ 2.11.6
Mac OS X 10.8, 10.7: ↓ 2.11.4
Mac OS X 10.6: ↓ 2.10.7
Mac OS X 10.5: ↓ 2.9.9a
Mac OS X 10.4: ↓ 2.9.2
Mac OS X 10.3: ↓ 2.7.3
Mac OS X 10.2: ↓ 2.1.1
Note: The code portion of Audio Hijack Pro 2 license keys begins with IPRT3-. If you have an Audio Hijack Pro 2 license key, you can upgrade now.
Audio Hijack Pro 1
↓ 1.3.2 (PowerPC only)
Note: The code portion of Audio Hijack Pro 1 license keys begins with IPRT2-. If you have an Audio Hijack Pro 1 license key, you can upgrade now.
Audio Hijack
Final Version 2 (Mac OS X 10.6, 10.5, 10.4):↓ 2.2.6
Mac OS X 10.3:↓ 2.2.5
Mac OS X 10.2:↓ 2.2
Note: The code portion of Audio Hijack 2 license keys begins with IPRT-. If you have an Audio Hijack 2 license key, you can upgrade now.
MacOS 10.12: ↓ 1.5.2
Mac OS X 10.11: ↓ 1.2.6
Mac OS X 10.10: ↓ 1.2.1
Fission 2
Golf Pro 2 Mac Os Download
MacOS 10.12: ↓ 2.5.0
Mac OS X 10.11: ↓ 2.4.5
Mac OS X 10.10: ↓ 2.4.3
Mac OS X 10.9: ↓ 2.3.1
Mac OS X 10.8, 10.7: ↓ 2.2.4
Mac OS X 10.6: ↓ 2.1.3
Note: Fission 2 is the current version of the software. Users of older versions are eligible to upgrade to version 2 at a substantial discount.
Fission 1
Final Version 1 (Mac OS X 10.8, 10.7, 10.6):↓ 1.6.12
Mac OS X 10.5:↓ 1.6.10
Mac OS X 10.4:↓ 1.6.8
Note: The code portion of Fission 1 license keys begins with KRBA-. If you have a Fission 1 license key, you can upgrade now.
Loopback 2
MacOS 10.12: ↓ 2.1.4
Mac OS X 10.11: ↓ 2.0.1
Note: Loopback 2 is the current version of the software. Users of older versions are eligible to upgrade to version 2 at a substantial discount.
Loopback 1
Final Version 1 (MacOS 10.14, 10.13, 10.12, 10.11):↓ 1.2.1
Mac OS X 10.10: ↓ 1.2.0
Mac OS X 10.9: ↓ 1.1.2
Note: The code portion of Loopback 1 license keys begins with CIRC-. If you have a Loopback 1 license key, you can upgrade now.
MacOS 10.12:↓ 1.6.5
Mac OS X 10.11:↓ 1.6.0
Mac OS X 10.10:↓ 1.5.9
Mac OS X 10.9:↓ 1.5.2
Mac OS X 10.8, 10.7:↓ 1.2.8
Mac OS X 10.6: ↓ 1.2.2
Note: Piezo is no longer distributed through the Mac App Store. Users who purchased via the Mac App Store can transition to the direct version free of charge.
SoundSource 5
SoundSource 5 currently supports MacOS 11, 10.15, 10.14, and 10.13. It has not removed support for any versions of MacOS.
Note: SoundSource 5 is the current version of the software. Users of SoundSource 4 are eligible to upgrade to version 5 at a substantial discount.
SoundSource 4
Last Planned Version 4 (MacOS 11, 10.15, 10.14, 10.13):↓ 4.3.1
MacOS 10.12: ↓ 4.2.8
Mac OS X 10.11: ↓ 4.1.2
SoundSource 3
Final Version 3 (MacOS 10.14, 10.13, 10.12, 10.11):↓ 3.1.2
Mac OS X 10.10: ↓ 3.1.0
SoundSource 2
Final Version 2 (Mac OS X 10.7, 10.6):↓ 2.5.1
Mac OS X 10.5:↓ 2.5.0
Mac OS X 10.4:↓ 2.0.0
Mac OS X 10.3:↓ 1.3.0
Mac OS X 10.2:↓ 1.0.5
Retired Applications
The following applications have been permanently retired. They are no longer for sale, and are provided solely for customers who purchased them while they were still in development. You can learn more about these applications here.
Airfoil for Windows
Final Version (Windows 10, 8/8.1, 7):↓ 5.7.0
Final Version of Airfoil for Windows 3 (Windows 10, Windows 8.1/8, Windows 7, Windows Vista): ↓ 3.6.7
Windows XP:↓ 3.5
Windows 2000:↓ 2.5.1
Note:Airfoil Satellite for Windows remains in development, and enables Windows machines to receive audio transmitted by Airfoil for Mac.
Airfoil Remote
Airfoil Remote is no longer for sale. Previous purchasers can still download it from the “Purchased” section of the Updates tab in the iOS App Store app.
Note: Airfoil Remote has been superseded by Airfoil Satellite for iOS.
Airfoil Video Player
Final Version (Mac OS X 10.11, 10.10, 10.9): ↓ 4.9.2
Final Version (Mac OS X 10.3): ↓ 1.5.5
Mac OS X 10.2: ↓ 1.5.3
(PowerPC only)
Final Version (Mac OS X 10.11, 10.10, and 10.9): ↓ 1.1.5
Mac OS X 10.8, 10.7: ↓ 1.1.3
Try Audio Hijack!
Final Version (MacOS 10.12, 10.11, 10.10, 10.9, 10.8, 10.7):↓ 2.3
Mac OS X 10.6:↓ 2.1.1
Mac OS X 10.5, 10.4:↓ 2.0.3
Mac OS X 10.3:↓ 2.0.2
Note: LineIn's play-thru functionality can best be replicated with Audio Hijack.
Final Version (MacOS 10.12, 10.11, 10.10, 10.9, 10.8, 10.7):↓ 1.3.5
Mac OS X 10.6, 10.5:↓ 1.3.3
Mac OS X 10.4:↓ 1.3.2
Try Fission!
Mac OS X 10.5, 10.4:↓ 2.1
Mac OS X 10.3:↓ 2.0.1
Final Version (MacOS 10.13, 10.12, 10.11, 10.10):↓ 1.11.13
Mac OS X 10.9: ↓ 1.11.11
Mac OS X 10.8, 10.7: ↓ 1.11.5
Mac OS X 10.6: ↓ 1.10.8
Mac OS X 10.5: ↓ 1.9.12a
Mac OS X 10.4: ↓ 1.9.7
Mac OS X 10.3: ↓ 1.8.6
Mac OS X 10.2: ↓ 1.6.1
Broadcast with Audio Hijack!
Final Version (MacOS 10.12, 10.11, 10.10, 10.9, 10.8, 10.7):↓ 2.1.1
Mac OS X 10.6:↓ 2.0.0
Mac OS X 10.5, 10.4, 10.3:↓ 1.1.1
Note: For those interested still interested in PongSaver, former Rogue Amoeba employee and original developer Mike Ash has taken over upkeep.
Final Version (Mac OS X 10.8, 10.7, 10.6):↓ 2.3.4
Note: Because Pulsar relied on third-party web services which are now deprecated, it will no longer function at all at this point.
Final Version (Mac OS X 10.7, 10.6):↓ 1.6.8
Mac OS X 10.5:↓ 1.6.4
Mac OS X 10.4:↓ 1.1.4
Note: Because Radioshift relied on third-party web services which are now deprecated, it will no longer function at all at this point.
Radioshift Touch
Radioshift Touch is no longer for sale. Previous purchasers can still download it from the “Purchased” section of the Updates tab in the iOS App Store app.

Note: Because Radioshift Touch relied on third-party web services which are now deprecated, it will no longer function at all at this point.